Sunday, November 23, 2008

Beet Girl Loves....

Super Grover !!!

Click on link for your minimum required dose of Super Blue G in Action.

And remember all of my broken hearted rubies out there, Super Beet is here. there. everywhere.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Days Are Getting Shorter

Evening all.
Have not fallen in love since we last spoke.
Except for my always crushes on dry leaves hustling across streets.
And except for the way that young guy did a jiggish step kick to the right, then to left as he stood waiting for the light to change on Beacon Street. He was cold.
That's all for now.


Friday, November 7, 2008

End of the Working Week

To Beet or not to Beet?

Definitely to Beet. Obama. Obama. Obama. The young children spontaneously chanted. Obama.

Barack Obama was elected on the 18th anniversary of the death of my dearest, bestest, forever friend, Steven Joseph Spitz. 1/29/60-11/4/91

Oh-bah-ma! O-Ba-Mah! He's got the Beet.

And the people are happy. The people are not so numb today. Are happy. Today.

Click on title of this post for a video clip.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Beet Girl Falls in Love Thrice

Hello from Beet Girl. I have been here and there.
Montreal for a weekend. And fell in love with the city very quickly. Mais oui oui oui.

A far corner of Western Ma for a weekend where I fell in love with a new way of thinking about dogs. And the trainer wasn't so bad himself. Upset the patriarchy, the fear model of dominance training. Give way to the predator/prey flow. I am still learning. More to come on that.

Et trois: Fell in love with a Hasidic Jew on Wednesday. Matisyahu in concert.

All in all I would say that Beet Girl is alive and she's got the beets. Although they are shriveled and small small small at the bottom of her vegetable drawer drawer drawer.


PS-Beet Girl is still looking for love by the way.